3 Keys to Developing Leaders From Within
CourseDo you feel like there aren't enough leaders in your church? It could be because your looking for leaders when you need to be looking for people who can be developed into leadership.
The Confirmation Project - 1 Year Plan - Ten02Church
CourseRather than showing up to a classroom for confirmation, this is an on-demand curriculum that brings the classroom to you! This way we can spend our time together discussing, applying, and really digging into what it means to live our faith out.
Missional Webinars
The Church at 10:02
CourseA preaching series you can use in your micro-church to help you learn to live out the way of Jesus in the places you live, work, learn, and play.
The Missionary Pathway
BundleA community and resource library equipping everyday disciples to share the gospel and make disciples in the places they live, work, learn, and play.
Social Impact Platform University
BundleThis is a series of trainings, webinars, and other helpful resources to help you make an impact online. All this is yours for signing up The Social Impact Platform