Empower your team with the tools and mindset for effective disciple-making.

Shift your ministry's focus to disciple-making, turning volunteers into disciple-makers.

Revitalize your current programs to become opportunities for intentional discipleship.

Empower Your Ministry with Intentional Discipleship

Our PDF guide dives deep into incorporating intentional discipleship into every aspect of your ministry. Learn how to equip leaders, create a culture of disciple-making, and transform existing programs. Take the first step towards turning volunteers into disciple-makers today!

Meet Your Guide: Matt Peeples

Passionate about connecting the disconnected and helping people translate the unchanging gospel to an ever-changing world. Lives this passion out through preaching, teaching, and training the next generation of disciple makers, church planters, and ministry leaders. Leads national webinars and speaking engagements on: outreach, technology, social media, missional leadership, church planting and the issues that affect mission and ministry in the 21st century. Founder and Director of the Kairos Network. The Kairos Network launched in June of 2017, to develop and train church planters, pastors, and lay leaders to reach the disconnected for Christ. While the Gospel is unchanging, the way we teach people about Jesus changes. To engage the world around us we must move into new places in new ways. It has been a vehicle for planting churches, launching church plant training pathway, a webinar training series, and helping the church at large learn live-streaming and other useful tools to navigate the pandemic. To learn more about the network visit http://thekairosnetwork.com

Start Your Journey Towards Discipleship Today

Transform your ministry and empower your leaders with our free PDF download. Take the first step towards creating a culture of disciple-making.

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