Help your church share the story of Christmas with the community.

In the heart of every church, a story unfolds each year. It's a story of faith, hope, and love. It's the story of Christmas, a time when we come together to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. But as pastors and church staff, we know that planning for Christmas can be a challenging task. The sermons, the messages, the social media posts - it can all become a bit overwhelming! That's where (BE) Christmas comes in. (BE) Christmas is your all-in-one solution for a meaningful and impactful Christmas season. It includes beautifully crafted sermon series breakdowns, daily readings, and ready-to-post social media content. But it's more than that. It's designed to give you simple outreach ideas to get your congregation out in the community, sharing the love of Jesus and the real meaning of Christmas. Imagine, no more late nights struggling to come up with sermon ideas. No more stress about social media posts. (BE) Christmas takes the pressure off so you can focus on what truly matters - spreading the message of Christ's love. And when Christmas arrives, your church will be united in a celebration that's heartfelt and full of meaning. Your outreach efforts will shine as you share the love of Jesus. This Advent, let (BE) Christmas help you take the time you would be pouring into planning for Advent so you can spend that time pouring into your people and your community.

The Advent Challenge Calendar

Simple ways to share the love of Jesus with your community this advent.

The advent challenge calendar is made up of simple challenges each day of advent designed to get you out into the community sharing the love of Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas with your community.

Advent Challenge Social Media Graphics

Done for you graphics that are ready to post!

The Advent Challenge is designed to give your congregation simple outreach ideas to get out in the community, sharing the love of Jesus and the real meaning of Christmas. Imagine, no more late nights struggling to come up advent outreach ideas. No more stress about social media posts. BE Christmas takes the pressure off so you can focus on what truly matters - spreading the message of Christ's love.

What's Included

    1. Series PDF and Message Links

    1. Advent Challenge Calendar

    1. (BE) Christmas Series Graphics & Logo

    2. Sermon Slides Designs

    3. Advent Challenge Social Media Graphics

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 5 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content