2024 Kairos Network Ministry Partner Cohort

Hey Kairos Network Ministry Partner! 

My name is Matt Peeples. I am the founder and director of The Kairos Network, a network dedicated helping you share the unchanging gospel in an ever-changing world. We do this by partnering with districts, networks, and churches to connecting the disconnected to Jesus through training church planters and everyday Christians to plant the gospel and make disciples where they live, work, learn, and play. I am really excited to join you all over the next 4 months as we walk through the Missionary Pathway and learn to not only plant the gospel and make disciples but to see the mission accelerate throughout your region!  

We are excited to offer you this cohort opportunity at no cost to you or your ministry!  The cost of this experience has been covered by your district. As  one of our official ministry partners districts or you will also be given full access to our facilitator course and training at the end of our time together.  We pray these resources are a blessing to you as you seek to connect the disconnected to Jesus in your community!  

Sign Up

To get started I am going to give you 2 links.  Fill out all three links this week so you can gain access to everything you need to walk through this pathway.  

  1. Sign Up On This Cohort Link - This link will give you all of our meeting dates, and will be the place you can find all of cohort session recordings and extra resources. 
  2. The Missionary Pathway Course - https://missionarypathway.org  This is the full course you will be walking through.  Watch the experience modules on the first session before we meet on December 1st. You must go through the content before we meet, as our time together will be spent digging into and processing what you have already learned and not teaching the concepts.
  3. The Click Up Form - https://forms.clickup.com/37464128/f/13qa20-2424/R77JAZTPIYP7N43B5W This form is important as it tracks the entire missionary pathway around the world and the progress of those on the pathway. In our first 7 months live we have over 150 people in 8 countries that have signed up for the pathway and around half have gone through or are going through one of our cohorts. 

Cohort Session Dates

Finally, here are the dates for all our cohort sessions.  Before we meet, go over the “Experience” content for each of the listed sessions. For example, you should go through the “Experience” sessions of the Missionary Pathway training Session 01 before our first meeting.

Session 01 - Feb 14th - 2:00 pm central

Session 02 - Feb 28 - 2:00 pm central

Session 03 - Mar 6- 2:00 pm central

Session 04 - Mar 20- 2:00 pm central

Session 05 - Apr 3 - 2:00 pm central

Session 06 - Apr 17 - 2:00 pm central

Session 07 - May 1- 2:00 pm central

Session 08 - May 15- 2:00 pm central

Optional Certified Facilitator Training - May 29 - 2:00 pm Central

I am excited to be on this journey with you. If you have more questions about what the Missionary Pathway is, or you would like to share with opportunity with other people on your staff you will find an overview of the training on the next page. 

 If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me.  You can email me [email protected].

Yours in Christ,

 Matt Peeples


 The Kairos Network

Meet Your Cohort Leader

Leader Bio:

Passionate about connecting the disconnected and helping people translate the unchanging gospel to an ever-changing world. Lives this passion out through preaching, teaching, and training the next generation of disciple makers, church planters, and ministry leaders. Leads national webinars and speaking engagements on: outreach, technology, social media, missional leadership, church planting and the issues that affect mission and ministry in the 21st century. Founder and Director of the Kairos Network. The Kairos Network launched in June of 2017, to develop and train church planters, pastors, and lay leaders to reach the disconnected for Christ. While the Gospel is unchanging, the way we teach people about Jesus changes. To engage the world around us we must move into new places in new ways. It has been a vehicle for planting churches, launching church plant training pathway, a webinar training series, and helping the church at large learn live-streaming and other useful tools to navigate the pandemic. To learn more about the network visit http://thekairosnetwork.com

Matt Peeples

Church Planter, Trainer, Network Leader