The Art of Riding a Bike - 9 Week Sermon Series
CourseAt the most basic level the gospel story is simple and easy for anyone to grab a hold of. But as you learn to live the gospel story out in your own life it can become one of the most challenging things you do.
By Faith - 11 Week Sermon Series
CourseA Series through Hebrews 11 A series breaking down the stories of faith from Hebrews 11, and using them as a spring board to learn how to live out a life of faith.
Rethink Religion - 15 Week Sermon Series
CourseThe Gospel of John - 15 Weeks This book is a journey. Walk with Jesus through the gospel of John asking one fundamentally important question, “What does it look like to be a disciple, and to be a church, in the 21st century?”
Whole Life - 10 Week Sermon Series
CourseThe Book of James - 11 Weeks
New to Ministry
BundleYou graduated and now your ready to dig into ministry ... so why do you feel like there so much more you need to learn! This is a series of topics to help you fill in some of those important ministry concepts they didn't have time to teach you.
$15 / month
The Confirmation Project
BundleRather than showing up to a classroom for confirmation, let us bring the classroom to you! This way you can spend your time together discussing, applying, and really digging into what it means to live out the Lutheran faith in your every day life!